"Rapid Lemon"—an anagram of "palindrome"—got its name from the dialogue of an original play called Sphere, the company's debut production as part of the 2012 DC Black Theatre Festival. Sphere was presented at Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company that summer and praised emphatically by The Washington Post.
Sphere was followed by Marvin's Trial, another new script, workshopped at the Maryland Institute College of Art in Baltimore and premiered at THEARC in Washington. These early ventures, and the ongoing stewardship of The Variations Project starting in 2014, established Baltimore-based Rapid Lemon Productions as a resident company dedicated to the growth of new theater throughout the region.
Our Commitment
We are committed to developing theater art and artists, with particular focus on new writing. We believe in expanding our reach—in the thrill of the untried—in challenging ourselves, each other, and our audiences in the most amazingly rewarding ways we can devise together.
Our mission and values encompass both product and process. More important than either of those, however, are the people who take part in what we do: our fellow artists and craftspeople, our audiences, and our business partners are what enable us to create together. Without people there can be no process and no product.
As a company we are committed to collaboration in a positive environment. We embrace people as individuals, each with unique talents, energies, and perspectives. We hold each other to high standards, regarding not only the quality of our work but also the quality of our interactions.
Our company does not—and shall not—tolerate abuse, bullying, harassment, bigotry, or any other form of fundamental disrespect among people. Sexual harassment or intimidation, violent actions or threats, and abusive behavior of any kind are all grounds for immediate removal of any person associated with Rapid Lemon Productions and its projects.
Join Us
Whatever your background, whatever your identity, and wherever you find your comfort zone—we want to enable what you're passionate to pursue next. Want to write a play? Check out our next Variations Project! Want to act? Design? Organize? We have opportunities of all shapes and sizes through readings, play development, and full-scale productions. Get in touch!